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Renting Trimmers and Edgers

Renting Trimmers and Edgers

Nothing beats getting outside and cutting your own grass. I think most people would agree that there’s just something enjoyable about creating fresh trails of cut grass and watching your shoes turn green. If you feel this way, then take a dive and keep reading. People put a lot of time and effort...

Tips for Cutting Down Trees

Tips for Cutting Down Trees

While it’s true that most homeowners with a chainsaw (and the fortitude) can cut down a tree, it should be stressed that this is a project to be approached with the utmost care. Safety is the number one concern. Not only are chainsaws dangerous, but falling trees are equally so. It stands to reason...

Power Raking

Power Raking

Power raking, also known as dethatching, is a great way to improve the healthiness and look of your lawn. Similar to aerating your lawn, power raking your lawn can improve water and nutrient flow to the roots and stimulate new growth in your lawn. Power raking accomplishes this goal by raking up...